While you remain convinced that your boss is a certified creep, he’ll be a creep. And it’s OK to think he’s a creep. At the point you choose to change – e.g. focus on his good points, stop judging him, and even empathize a little – the problem will evaporate.
How, you say? There are a thousand possibilities...
a) He may respond to your change of attitude and begin to open up,
b) He may be transferred to another department,
c) You may get another job,
d) He may get another job,
e) You may get to like the guy. (Really!)
How often do we befriend people who, initially, we couldn’t tolerate?
When you change, your situation changes. It is law. You don’t have to figure out how it will happen. Your transformation alters your circumstance. But your change must be genuine. You say: “I’ll put up with Fred but I still know he’s a jerk!” But that isn’t a major transformation on your part!
HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE? As long as it takes you to change.
WHY DON’T I JUST LEAVE THIS JOB NOW? You can do that. But chances are you’ll find yourself working for another creep – it’s all part of the great cosmic curriculum!
PGHK #1023 Káu 狗
This week we shared stories about dogs. We shared interesting and funny
stories about our own dogs but also didn’t shy away from unpleasant
subjects of a...
16 hours ago
chiewping wrote on Dec 18,
i do agree with that. when u see a person through a different light, your intentions and the way you act in front of him will be genuine. And then ultimately things will tone down. It works most of the time. Tell yourself that everyone deserves chances. And perhaps people might just be a little weird in his ways. Or perhaps he aint appear to be what u think he is.
transforming yourself is a matter on how much u understand your strengths and flaws. By changing urself and understanding ourselves better, we are able to understand others too..and perhaps find a time and opportunity to befriend with that person.
worse come to worse, change to a better job. But of course, after u are very sure that it's not your fault, but a matter of his own attitude, and disrespect towards u..etc.
anmaron wrote on Dec 18,
try walk a mile in others' shoes... hehe...
then you will know what it feels like..
will you say true heaven!
or u will instead saying "i forgive him"
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