The only time most of us ever learn anything is when we get hit over the back of the head! Why? Because it’s easier not to change. So we keep doing what we’re doing until we hit a brick wall. Take our health for example. When do we change diets and start exercising? When our body is falling apart – when the doctor says: “If you don’t change your lifestyle, you’ll kill yourself!” Suddenly we’re motivated!
In relationships – when do we usually tell each other how much we care? When the marriage is falling apart, when the family is falling apart!
In school – when do we finally knuckle down and study? When we’re about to fail. In business – when do we try new ideas and make the tough decisions? When we can’t pay our bills. When do we finally learn about customer service? After the customers have left!
When do we usually pray? When our life is falling apart! “Dear Lord, I know I haven’t spoken to you since the last time the yogurt hit the fan ...”
We learn our biggest lessons when things get rough. When have you made the most important decisions in your life? When you were on your knees – after disasters, after knock-backs, when you’ve been kicked in the head. That’s when we say to ourselves: “I’m sick of being broke, sick of being kicked around. I’m tired of being mediocre. I’m going to do something.” Success we celebrate – but we don’t learn too much. Failure hurts – and that’s when we get educated. In retrospect, we usually notice “disasters” were turning points.
Effective people don’t go looking for problems, but when they get smacked in mouth, they ask themselves: “How do I need to change what I’m thinking and what I’m doing? How can I be better than I am now?” Losers ignore all the warning signs. When the roof falls in, they ask: “Why does everything happen to me?”
We are creatures of habit. We keep doing what we are doing until we are forced to change.
Mary gets dumped by boyfriend Dave. Devastated, she locks herself in her bedroom for a week. Then gradually she starts to call old friends and meet new ones. She soon moves house and changes jobs. Within six months she is happier and more confident than she has ever been in her life. She looks back on the “disasters” of losing Dave as the best thing that ever happened to her.
Fred gets the sack. Unable to find work, he starts his won little business. For the first time in his life he is his own boss, and doing what he really wants to do. He still has his problems, but his life has new meaning and excitement – and all out of apparent disaster.
PGHK #1023 Káu 狗
This week we shared stories about dogs. We shared interesting and funny
stories about our own dogs but also didn’t shy away from unpleasant
subjects of a...
16 hours ago
kerrey wrote on Dec 15,
yup i totally agree with u. Maybe that's why u can see some people change for the better, some for the worse.
Everyone has failures or weaknesses. But it's the successful people that have more courage to stand up again and fight once more when they lose teruk teruk. Losers will fall and never get up
pandamaster wrote on Dec 18,
^^ would jz like to add something. Rather than "The first step is the hardest step." , i would prefer "Standing up again is the hardest step". yeahz well said. =P ,but facing the facts, how many people will be able to change. =.- ........ lolx...forget about changing, accepting it is already a killer for some.
anmaron wrote on Dec 18,
then might change to accept...
xzenith wrote on Dec 18,
lolx sry but pandamaster was me...xD btw very fast reply
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