Particular people get particular lessons. We can react to all of this in one of three ways. We either say:
· “MY LIFE IS A SERIES OF LESSONS I NEED, HAPPENING IN PERFECT ORDER.” (The healthiest approach, guarantees maximum peace of mind.)
· “LIFE IS A LOTTERY, BUT I MAKE THE MOST OF WHATEVER COMES ALONG.” (The next best option – offers average quality of life.)
· “WHY DO BAD THINGS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME?” (Guarantees maximum misery and frustration.)
We are continually being presented with lessons. Unless we learn the lessons, we get to take them again ... and again ... and again.
Call it a divine plan, call it the natural unfolding of events, it is happening. Like it or hate it, it is happening. Take responsibility or claim you’re a victim, fight it or ignore it, it’s happening. It has been happening all your life. Every time your neighbor abused you, each time a salesman ripped you off or a lover walked out on you, there was a lesson staring you in the face.
If we are miserable seven days a week, it’s likely we’ve missed a lesson. When we keep losing jobs, lovers, money ... it’s a sign that we haven’t been paying attention. As one lady remarked: “I keep getting the same old problems in a different pair of trousers!”
The worst thing we can ever say is: “It’s not fair!”
PGHK #1023 Káu 狗
This week we shared stories about dogs. We shared interesting and funny
stories about our own dogs but also didn’t shy away from unpleasant
subjects of a...
16 hours ago
kerrey wrote on Dec 15,
i guess so gua? But particular people get particular lessons because they have some rough edge to be smoothen. And an opportunity to be a better person. I read a mini motivation book which says that : be grateful for the misfortunes that u get, because adversity does not come easily.
anmaron wrote on Dec 15
must have the adversity quotient
think: why ppl get sick but ur not? thats a disaster and lesson for him not you.. at least not ur time yet
xzenith wrote on Dec 18
lolx.... ever heard of Anthropic principle?
anmaron wrote today at 12:11 AM
no ler... never heard be4
xzenith wrote today at 12:45 AM
^^ it suggest that the universe is created to support life ( to simplified the real whole thing )~~ Hence, yupz....everyone has their own lesson
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