Exam! Exam! And exam!
Every one is busy preparing for their exams. Some people do not prepare much because in exams, failing has been the habit; as for some people, they would like to get better results than their last.
Whilst some students are having exam, it is also the start for some students in Matriculation and Sixth Form. Aye. One year has passed after I entered my Sixth Form last year. Time passes so fast. As not long after this, there will be another exam, which is my public examination, STPM!
Wish the best of luck for the Lower Six students, Matriculation students and the students who are having exam now.
Every one is busy preparing for their exams. Some people do not prepare much because in exams, failing has been the habit; as for some people, they would like to get better results than their last.
Whilst some students are having exam, it is also the start for some students in Matriculation and Sixth Form. Aye. One year has passed after I entered my Sixth Form last year. Time passes so fast. As not long after this, there will be another exam, which is my public examination, STPM!
Wish the best of luck for the Lower Six students, Matriculation students and the students who are having exam now.
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